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When it's a particularly good idea to put your face on your business card, and how it can enhance its impact.
PPC v.s. SEO – Which Marketing Tactic Should You Use?
Pay Per Click v.s. Search Engine Optimization
Marketing a business in Edmonton (or Canada as a whole) is all about knowing your options and choosing the right one.
In the modern age, there are two options that have taken over when it comes to digital marketing. These options are PPC (Pay Per Click) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). An Edmonton business owner will be presented with these options and is going to have to make a decision.
The question is, which one is better and what do these options entail?
All of your questions are going to be answered here in this read.
What Is PPC?
Let’s start with PPC or “Pay Per Click” advertising to understand what it stands for.
The premise behind PPC advertising is to pay for each click coming through to your site. For example, if there is an ad representing your business on a social media platform (i.e. FaceBook) then you are going to be charged a set fee every time someone clicks on it.
You will be able to link your landing page through this ad and get users to come in. This is a method used by several businesses around the world with tremendous success.
Benefits of PPC
1) Fast Results
The results are going to come in fast since the ad goes up immediately. The same doesn’t apply to SEO where you have to rank before bringing in new leads. This can take days, weeks, and even months depending on the competition – Ahrefs has conducted a great study on exactly how long it takes to rank in Google.
With PPC, you don’t have to deal with such issues!
You spend the money and the ad will be up right away. In most cases, it will be up within 10 minutes or so! This is intriguing for businesses that want to get started as soon as possible.
2) No “Rankings” To Deal With
Another benefit is knowing you are never going to have to deal with rankings.
You will not have to worry about ranking on Google or beating the competition to the top spot. You will be able to get the leads to come in as long as you have money to spend. This is exciting for Edmontonions who don’t have time to spare on SEO.
Avoiding the race to the top can be wonderful for those who want to keep it as simple as possible.
What Is SEO?
According to Search Beast, an Edmonton search engine optimization company, the art of SEO is optimizing your site (keywords, images, content) to rank for a specific keyword. If done well, Google and Bing will pick up your website and show it to their users.
For example, if you run a golf course website and target the keyword “best golf courses” then your site will start to show up on Google/Bing whenever someone types that in.
Each search engine has specific requirements to ensure a website is truly “optimized” and that’s something site owners need to pay attention to.
Benefits of SEO
1) Free
The biggest and most important advantage would be the cost. The traffic is free forever (or as long as you rank).
It is not going to cost beyond what you are paying to run the website. This is ideal for those who are starting up and don’t want to blow away thousands on a failed marketing campaign.
SEO lets you get a hold of things and dominate in the long-term (if done right).
2) 24/7 Results
Another advantage is the fact you’re able to see results around the clock.
It is free and Google/Bing will not shut down when you go to sleep. They run around the clock and that is ideal for businesses wanting never-ending results. If you rank, the marketing will continue to happen for a long time.
Concluding Thoughts
“In the end, there is no right or wrong option when it comes to marketing” says Jabir, the founder of Search Beast SEO.
You have to go with the one best suited to the business and its budget. For those who are running a smaller operation, you don’t want to spend all of the marketing budget on PPC advertising. This is when you will be able to focus on SEO and build through there. However, those who have more money to work with can use PPC advertising to their advantage and get a lot of leads quickly.
The best solution is often somewhere in the middle where you focus on a bit of both. This will let you decide what’s best for your niche.
The Secret To Making More Money With Your Business Card

If you knew your business card was about 10% as efficient as it could be, would you do something about it? What if just a few small changes could have a BIG impact on your bottom line? Well as you’re about to discover, nearly 2/3 of business cards have a “fatal flaw” that automatically SLASHES the amount of business they generate, by a significant margin.
The good news is it’s an easy fix and one that can MULTIPLY the response of this incredible (and incredibly overlooked) marketing tool. So how do you think YOUR current business card stacks up?
- Does it instantly grab attention?
- Does it make a compelling & positive impression?
- Is it memorable?
- Does it engage and impress?
- Does it elicit a verbal reaction?
- Does it regularly convert prospects into customers?
Does YOUR Business Card Do a Better Job of
Making You Money or Being Ignored?
According to a recently published business card usage study, a vast majority of recipients don’t even pay attention to the business cards they’re given.
One of the Most Overlooked and Unexploited
Sources of NEW Business and ROI that Exists.”
Do you wish your business card was a more significant source of new customers? Do you want to it would effortlessly generate repeat business from your current customers? And, what if your business card started making it “rain referrals” as well?
The fact is, the humble business card is one of the most overlooked and unexploited sources of new business that exists, and one that always seems to take a “back seat” to other more expensive marketing methods.
It shouldn’t. Especially in an economy like this one.
Look at it this way. It’s no secret that marketing and promotional products is the lifeblood of your business. It’s what keeps prospects aware of you. trusting of you and of course, buying from you.
But it doesn’t come cheap, does it? After all (and I’m pretty conservative here), you can easily spend:
- $1500 on a small local direct mail campaign
- $450 to run one ad in the newspaper.
- $500 on a domestic clipper magazine or coupon mailer
- $250 to $3,500+/month for a Yellow Pages display ad
- $1200 to design a website and market it on the internet.
Unfortunately, Most People Don’t Know What Makes a GREAT Business Card.
Which is why so many of us fail to realize how much business a valid card can deliver?
Instead we throw some contact information together, choose a design, and cross our fingers — hoping our business card will work to its full potential.
All too often our loyal, hard-working customer-generators are lost and forgotten — never to see the light of day again.
- Crushed in pockets and pocketbooks
- Stuffed in wallets
- Overlooked in desk drawers
- Tossed in garbage cans
- And hauled out with the trash.
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So, how does such an inexpensive cost-effective versatile multi-use lead and customer-generator become the victim of such WASTED potential and LOST opportunity?
Unfortunately, Most People Don’t Know What Makes a GREAT Business Card.
Which is why so many of us fail to realize how much business a valid card can deliver? Instead we throw some contact information together, choose a design, and cross our fingers — hoping our business card will work to its full potential. Of course, we all know what happens.
All too often our loyal, hard-working customer-generators are lost and forgotten — never to see the light of day again.
- Crushed in pockets and pocketbooks
- Stuffed in wallets
- Overlooked in desk drawers
- Tossed in garbage cans
- And hauled out with the trash.
So, how does such an inexpensive cost-effective versatile multi-use lead and customer-generator become the victim of such WASTED potential and LOST opportunity?
This is What Business Cards Are Supposed to Do!
Make a positive, and lasting impression. Engage and empower. But, this is only the beginning of how your business card can starting injecting profits into your business.
Humor me for a second and think about the business card YOU use today. Think about what it does for you, what it says about you, and the reaction and the response that it gets.
Want Your Business Card to Make You More Money?
What your business card is missing that causes it to be forgotten, “glossed over” or ignored or lands it right in the garbage can. How to avoid the cardinal sin of business card development and the “flip the switch” phenomenon that multiplies the business generating power of your business card almost instantly.
How to turn your business card into a referral generating secret weapon (plus one strategy that promotes two additional positive “side effects” – an increase in customer loyalty, and more repeat business)
The two critical business card “transformers” that make your card virtually impossible to ignore. They also guarantee it can do so much more for you than the average business card.The devastating MISTAKE that will practically eliminate your card’s ability to generate new business.
DOUBLE your influence — The TWO kinds of prospects who will come across your business card and why you need to appeal to BOTH of them. Discover how to do it to turn more of them into customers!
The business card referral mechanism my insurance agent uses to get customers to refer their friends and family. It’s brilliant, easy to duplicate, and is a simplified version of the technique that turned one man into the famed Guinness Book of World Records greatest salesperson.
A great way to get local businesses to refer you business. The best part is, they’ll see this as you doing THEM a favor! Why you MUST use the front and the back of your business card and the best ways to use this space to give yourself a response boost!
A powerful trick that instantly makes you more credible, likable, or memorable (or all 3) and turns your business card into something of VALUE. This technique doesn’t just reflect profoundly on you and your company, but it’s a great way to get people to take more than one and to share it with others, as well.
What is SEO? How Does It Helps Edmonton Online Businesses?

Edmonton Business Owners
The digital marketing scene is always changing. Very little remains the same as years go by. In 2020, digital marketing and promo products will continue to evolve as various technological advancements are realised. One area of digital or online marketing that is expected to see a lot of changes is search engine optimization (SEO). It is no secret that to effectively keep up with these changes, an individual or business needs to work with a top seo company Edmonton so business card profits decided to hire the best seo to drive more traffic to our website.
An SEO company in Edmonton Alberta is the marketing partner you need to have in the coming months. If you are not already working with an search marketing company, it is high time you start. Other businesses and brands in your niche are already employing various tactics to rank high on search results. Your business or brand should not be left behind in these race.
The race to top search results in 2018 is already on. The returns from gaining a top spot on search results – more specifically local search results for Alberta businesses are tremendous. If your website ranks high on Google results, you are guaranteed of huge amounts of traffic. So what are you waiting for? Start working with a top search engine optimization company today!
Hiring an experienced SEO company can help improve your website's search engine rankings and traffic.
Improving Bing SEO can help increase your site's rankings in Bing search results.
How Your Business Card should look like to be more attractive

See what hundreds, even thousands of good prospects look at as they consider whether or not to do business with you.
Is it a great business card? More importantly, is an effective marketing piece?
It really should be.
Now let me ask you something:
Did you know that a few simple changes to your business card can earn you A LOT more business every month?
As you’re about to discover, nearly 2/3 of business cards have a fatal flaw that CRIPPLES their response… and even repels some customers.
Fortunately, it’s an easy fix.
Keep reading, and you’ll discover a simple, inexpensive, nearly effortless way to turn your business card into a customer winning, referral generating secret weapon.